Christmas Concert 2024
We would like to congratulate all our pupils on an outstanding night of entertainment on Friday 13th December. The pupils completed a range of plays including the nativity with Room 1 – Whoopsey Daisy Angel, Room 2 – The Miracle Child & School O Vision with Room 3 & 4. Thank you to all our families and the local community in supporting the concert and the raffle on the night. Thank you to our teachers for organising our pupils for the plays - lots and lots of hard work but a great night was enjoyed by all!
We would like to thank the following businesses for their generosity towards our raffle: Treanor Security, Mc Ardles, Aghabog GAA, Mc Nallys, Gillanders, Cusack Carpentry, A2B Coaches, Fitzpatrick Fuels, Liptons, Coral Leisure, Maurice Grahams, D2D Fitness, Nino’s, Declan Loughman, Tommy Leonard, Business Supplies Carrickmacross, Alice Gallagher, Avenue Pharmacy Clones, Ted Kelleher, Lakeland Dairies, Rocks & Doapey.Creamery