European Sports Day 2021
All pupils had a fun packed day for European Sports Day! In Room 1 the Infants enjoyed many games relating to the theme Autumn as they have been learning about hibernaiton. They enjoyed the 'Wacky Waiter Race' balancing many items on their tray before ending with the 'Hedgehog Relay' with pegs on their backs as spikes. Room 2 enjoyed balancing and playing games with their balloons. They enjoyed 'Froggy Find a Pond' aiming and throwing the beanbag. Room 3 enjoyed orienteering outside in our new green area and sensory garden as well as circuits. Room 4 enjoyed many balloon races including 'Paired Balloon relays' and 'Battle of the Balloons.' Thank you to all the teachers and to Mrs Greenan our Active School co-ordinator for organising the day.