School History

Latnamard National School is a 4 teacher rural national school, under the patronage of the Catholic bishop of Clogher, in the parish of Aghabog, Co Monaghan. The present building was opened in 1985 as a 3 teacher school and replaced the old school which was opened in 1928. The building comprised of 3 main classrooms, a learning support/meeting room, a staff room, an office, and a large hall/all purpose room, a kitchen/resource teaching room, toilets and storage areas. A prefabricated classroom was installed on the grounds in 2008 and an extension built as the 4th Classroom in 2013. Outdoor areas include a large playground, a smaller playground, sensory garden, village role play area, pitch, wild flower garden 'The Circle of Seasons' and walkways. Our sensory area and pitch were officially opened by Minister Humpheries in June 2022.
The school was built with considerable financial support from the parish community as the building was to serve the local area as a community building. Groups using the building included The Parish Council, ICA, Foróige, Drama society, Badminton Club and GAA club. In recent years some of these groups have moved to the old school building which has been extended and renovated and now serves the community as resource centre and pre-school playgroup. The school has retained very strong links with the community- the church community, The Drama Society, ICA, GAA and Aghabog Early Years Group.
Following the approval of a grant from DES in April 2012 to replace the prefabricated classroom a major fundraising effort was set in place and as a result an extension was built to the back of the school. The extension consisted of a new classroom, learning support room and disabled toilet facilities. In the existing building the space was re-configured to provide a principal’s office and a larger classroom.
In September 2007, due to increased enrolment, the school appointed a fourth class teacher. The present staff comprises 4 class teachers-including the principal, two SET teachers (one shared) and a SNA.
Ancillary staff include a part-time secretary and cleaner/caretaker.
All subjects are taught as laid down by the Department of Education and Science- Irish, English, Mathematics, History, Geography, Science, Music, Visual Arts, Drama, SPHE, PE and Religion. External teachers are brought in to teach Gymnastics, Dance and Musical Instruments (3rd -6th Class). Coaches from Monaghan GAA provide training in football. Children attend swimming lessons in Monaghan Coral Leisure Centre as part of the PE curriculum (Pupils from 1st - 6th Class).
School Day
The school day starts at 9.20am and finishes at 3.00pm. Infant classes leave at 2.00pm. Morning break is 11.00-11.10am and lunchtime is 12.30-1.00pm.
The school uniform is worn on all days except on days of PE.
- Navy jumper or cardigan with school crest
- Grey trousers, pinafore or skirt
- White shirt (girls) grey shirt (boys)
- Navy tights/ white or navy socks(girls)
- Low heeled shoes (black)
PE uniform
- School Jumper (Ordererd through the school office)
- Navy tracksuit bottoms
- White polo shirt
- Runners
Extra-curricular activities
The school endeavours to enable the children to participate in a number of extra-curricular activities. These include:
- Cumann na mBunscol competitions
- Monaghan County Library competitions
- Credit Union competitions
- Quizzes
- Handwriting/Writing competitions
- Colouring/Drawing competitions
- Book Fair
- Gardening competition
- Track and Field competitions
- Musical competitions
- Swimming competitions
- Lunchtime activities such as softball/volleyball, basketball, rounders, indoor hockey, playground games and athletics.
- Christmas Concert
- Peace Proms RDS
- FAI Soccer
- Badminton Workshops
- Bike Safety – Cycling
- Road Safety – JRSO Programme
- KiVa Programme
- Amber Flag Initiative
- Active Flag Initiative
- Healthy Eating Schools Programme